First Transnational Partner Meeting

Οn 24-25 of October 2022, we had our first Transnational Partner Meeting on Hof Tolle, Germany. With 10 participants, all member organizations from Czech Republic, Germany, and Luxembourg were represented.

The partner meeting was filled with presentations on the different work packages and processes of the project, upcoming tasks, as well as discussions on further developments. Special focus was given to the development of the consultation material, the trainer´s material, our quality assurance process and expected dissemination activities.


On day 2 we had the opportunity to have a tour on Hof Tolle, where we saw what Hof Tolle stands for: tasty, healthy, diverse, sustainable food. From fillet to chickpea. And we could experience hands-on how to use the spade method for soil analysis.
Next to content related activities, the meeting gave space to the participants to get to know each other better and therewith to create a fruitful working environment.
For lunch we could enjoy vegetables from the farm. It was just delicious.
The consortium sincerely thanks its partner Hof Tolle for hosting the first Transnational Partner Meeting and making everyone feel extremely comfortable during our stay.