Holistic Resource Management for Climate Resilience of Farming
Key Materials
Work Package 2: ClimateFarming Consultation Course
This work package offers a comprehensive consultation offer, supporting farmers in the application of climate adaptation and mitigation strategies. The target group of this vocational training are consultants, who want to offer their farmers knowledge and skills how to apply the latest advancements in the field of regenerative agriculture and climate resilient farming as well as innovative approaches to tackle climate and environmental challenges in agriculture.

Work Package 3: ClimateFarming Train-the Trainer Course

This work package offers material for trainers on ClimateFarming Consultation. The direct target groups of these WP3 activities are: VET educators, teachers from HEIs, trainers, farm advisers.
Our goal is that participants of the training will become familiar with the content of the ClimateFarming Consultation.
Work Package 4: ClimateFarming Implementation
In this work package, we want to apply the results of work packages 1 and 2 directly in the partner companies. WP4 therefore enables us to put the materials developed and the newly acquired training skills of our advisory and professional organisations into practice.