Holistic Resource Management for Climate Resilience of Farming
“Holistic Resource Management for Climate Resilience of Farming” – short ClimateFarming – is an Erasmus+ project co-funded by the EU that aims to equip a new generation of farmers, consultants and trainers with skills and knowledge to implement and support climate adaptation and mitigation measures in farming.
Agriculture is at the centre of a number of major environmental and climatic challenges. Climate change is not only exacerbated by the current agricultural system. Increasing weather extremes such as droughts and storms, potential resource shortages, land degradation, biodiversity loss and related factors also represent serious challenges for farming itself.
The project started in October 2022 and will run until March 2025.
The project develops future-oriented consultation and training materials on climate mitigation and adaptation. Its innovative approach combining regenerative agriculture and adaptation management methods will offer both practical solutions and strategic guidance on transforming agricultural cultivation methods and ecosystems to make farming more resilient and sustainable. Thereby, the project also contributes to more robust food production, healthier ecosystems (biodiversity) and the fight against the climate crisis.
Aims and Objectives
To develop and apply a comprehensive Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Consultation package that will contribute to a better understanding of climate-related vulnerability and make farms more climate-resilient.
To train professionals in the agricultural sector (VET educators, trainers, farm advisors) to become Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Agents.
To strengthen cooperation between farmers, trainers and advisory services and contribute to collaborative (decision-making) processes that result in tailor-made farm-level measures and adaptation strategies as well as suitable monitoring and evaluation approaches.
To inform VET authorities and policymakers about climate change adaptation and mitigation options in farming, encouraging them to introduce incentives for farmers to implement measures that will make them more resilient in the face of climate change.
To conduct an awareness-raising campaign on the national and EU level for policymakers, VET providers, farmers and the general public on the urgent need to transform agriculture and to introduce climate-resilient measures in farming, related benefits and conditions for upscaling.
Healthy soils are essential for people, food, nature and climate.
Blended Learning

With the creation of a Virtual Environment for ClimateFarming, the project will enable all interested stakeholders to access the consultation and training materials, be it for self-study and direct on-farm implementation or application in training or consultation contexts. The project aims to provide all professionals in the agricultural sector with tools and instruments to better understand, anticipate and proactively respond to climate-related challenges in agriculture and help farms to become more resilient.
The ClimateFarming Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) will be an easily accessible platform containing all relevant project results and materials. The VLE will offer open access to an unlimited number of online users.
All learning materials will be taught and tested at workshops organised for farmers, consultants and trainers in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Luxembourg.